Do you have a cracked tooth or experience sharp pain when eating? You don’t need to extract it; you can get root canal therapy and retain your smile. But what exactly is a root canal? Below is everything you need to know.
What is Root Canal Therapy
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that cleans the interior of a tooth and protects it from further damage. The blood cells and nerve tissue (pulp) that nourish your tooth and give moisture to the surrounding tissue are found in the roots of a tooth.
The pulp is left exposed upon damage from decay or an untreated cavity. As a result, the nerves in the pulp sense hot and cold temperatures as pain leading to extreme sensitivity.
Instances where a Root Canal Required
You might need a root canal therapy if you have;
- A tooth that is stained or dark; When a tooth’s pulp becomes infected, it darkens due to a lack of blood flow to the tooth.
- Extreme heat and cold sensitivity; severe pain from hot or cold drinks and foods might necessitate a root canal therapy, more so if the pain lasts for a while
- A chipped or cracked tooth; Bacteria can penetrate into the tooth pulp when a tooth is damaged due to injury or when damaged in an accident, while playing sports, or even by biting down on something hard.
- Mouth injury
- Discomfort when chewing; when you experience pain when eating or touching your teeth, it could mean that the nerves around the pulp have been destroyed.
- Swollen Gums; upon infection of the tooth, the gums become sensitive and puffy, leading to pus build-up.
- Persistent tooth pain; Tooth pain can be caused by various dental issues. You may require root canal therapy if you feel discomfort deep in your tooth. You may also have discomfort in your jaw, cheeks, or other teeth.
- Gum pimple or boil: A pimple or boil can develop on the gums and drain pus from the infected tooth leaving an unpleasant smell or taste.
- Swollen jaw: Occasionally, pus does not discharge from the wound leading to a swollen jaw
- Loose tooth: An infected tooth may feel looser because the pus build-up softens the bone that supports it.
What are the steps Taken in Root Canal Therapy?
Root canal treatment is completed in three phases and takes one to three visits.
Step 1. A root canal cleaning
First, the root canal bayswater dentist cleans out the root canal of any debris.
The dentist cuts a small access hole on the tooth’s surface and removes the damaged and dead pulp tissue using very small tools while the patient is under local anesthetic.
Step 2. The root canal is filled
The dentist then uses microscopic tools and irrigation treatments to clean, shape, and disinfect the hollow region. The tooth is then filled using a rubber-like substance, and the canals are completely sealed with adhesive cement.
The tooth dies after root canal treatment. Because the nerve tissue has been destroyed and the infection has been eradicated, the patient will no longer experience pain in that tooth.
Step 3. Crowning or filling the tooth
The tooth will be more vulnerable today than it was previously. The ligament that makes a connection between the tooth and the bone is the only source of sustenance for a tooth without a pulp. This supply is sufficient, but the tooth will grow brittle over time, necessitating the need for a crown or filling.
The patient should not go ahead and bite on the tooth until the crown or filling is fully installed. The user can utilize the tooth once the crown or filling has been placed.
Treatment usually only requires one session, but curved canals, several canals, or big infections may necessitate one or two more.
Benefits of Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is recommended for a variety of reasons. It allows you to retain your natural tooth, reduce dental visits, and keep you eating the foods you love.
Secondly, teeth that have received root canal treatment last longer with proper maintenance. Other advantages of a root canal therapy include;
- Appealing Results; to finish root canal therapy and restore function and appearance. This also prevents the adjacent tool from slipping out of place.
- The procedure is almost painless; unlike a tooth extraction that leaves excruciating pain, root canal therapy is virtually nearly painless. Modern technology and medication are used during the procedure to keep you relaxed.
- Efficient & Cost-efficient; Root canal treatment is a quick and inexpensive procedure that helps avoid the necessity for an extraction and the subsequent visits for an implant, denture, or bridge, which are often costly.
The Cost of a Root Canal Therapy
The cost for installing a root canal therapy varies based on some criteria, including the canal’s intricacy, the tooth that requires treatment, and the ultimate restoration you choose. Though expensive, the value of restoring your smile and natural teeth is worth more.
Some dental clinics may offer all-inclusive payment plans, and others may provide subsequent credit programs to help you get the needed treatment.
A root canal is the best option to help preserve and maintain your natural teeth. However, be sure to consult your Bayswater dentist when the situation arises.